Achieving or even overachieving customer expectations today only is possible with efficient, lean and excellent procedures and processes and their continued improvement (CIP). This is the primary task of management and employees. The main question is: “What do our customers pay for?” Certainly not for complicated processes or waste.

With our clients we take care of the prerequisites of streamlined processes: identifying value-adding processes, optimizing processes and process modeling and visualization.

And developing the skills of management and employees, so that the processes will improve autonomously and continuously:  Lean Management methods, CIP, Six Sigma and everything regarding communication and leadership.

Of course procedures and processes can always be optimized. The question is, at what effort a value-adding process will be leaner, faster, better?

We model processes to visualize the potential with BPMN 2.0 (Business Proecess Modeling Notation as an industry standard).

Our experts will identify potentials and prioritize them with you according to costs and benefits. We supervise not only the identification of the potential, but also help your executives and employees to maintain the lean process and improve it in the future.

A key factor for this is the transfer of know-how: your staff should know as soon as possible what our consultants know. We will start this from day one.

We focus on manufacturing and service processes and the implementation and stabilization of Lean Management tools.

Project examples

Sales system, sales organization

Initial situation
Building a sales department, organizational development from craft-based to an industrial enterprise needed, strong growth, no rules, no strategy, no set procedures, work “on call”, little proximity sales-production

Marketing concept ready, new responsibilities in sales, forecast-thinking and -doing, increased awareness of parameters in sales, better understanding of the organization mutually (sales-production, sales-management).

Process optimization

Initial situation
Steady processes, but changed requirements; Feel that improving potential is there, but which can not be pinpointed. No common language for training and optimization of processes, many outdated processes, difficult communication about processes across departmental boundaries.

Uniformly documented processes, neutral evaluation by REFA methodology with time analysis, identification and quantification of the existing optimization potential, implementation of the potential. Management and executives capable of using a common language (BPMN) enables modeling processes and show weaknesses in processes, objectification of problems / symptoms, constructive communication for solutions.